This page contains an index to essays
on this website written by members of the Society.
To read an essay, click on the title below.

The following title in blue was submitted to the Red Dirt Writers Society's 2012 Essay Contest. This was the only essay submitted, and is therefore the 1st place winner.

As We Approached LaGuardia International Airport (1st Place)
by Jayme Howard (Aug 2012)

The following three titles in black were submitted to the Red Dirt Writers Society's 2011 Essay Contest. The essays were judged by Clint Cripe, a local lawyer. He picked "The Financial ruin of a Nation" by Ryan McKinley as the 1st place winner.

The Financial Ruin of a Nation (1st Place)
by Ryan McKinley (Apr 2011)

Utitled (2011 2nd Place)
by Zack Savage (Apr 2011)

ZZZZzzzz (3rd Place)
by Beth Stephenson (Apr 2011)

History and Healing on a Windowsill
by Brenda O'Hern Six (May 2011)

The following six titles in blue were submitted to the Red Dirt Writers Society's 2010 Essay Contest. Essays were restricted to 400 words. The essays were judged by Norm Hollingsworth, local lawyer and Instructor at Langston University. He picked "Illegals Need Not Apply" by Beth Stephenson as the 1st place winner. He picked "The All Volunteer Army Is Working Well" by Gordon Eskridge and "Volunteers? Bah Humbug!" by D. J. Russell as co-runners-up.

Illegals Need Not Apply
by Beth Stephenson (Apr 2010)

The All Volunteer Army Is Working Well
by Gordon Eskridge (Apr 2010)

Volunteers? Bah Humbug!
by D. J. Russell (Apr 2010)

Regulation of Food
by Harriet Morgan (Apr 2010)

If You Know What's Good For You
by Beth Stephenson (Apr 2010)

Plea Bargaining
by Debbie Shipman (Apr 2010)

Astronauts Train for Using the Bathroom in Space
by Gordon Eskridge (Apr 2009)

Roman Nose State Park
by Gordon Eskridge (Apr 2009)

NASA Education on the Road
by Gordon Eskridge (Apr 2009)

by Melissa Neely (Apr 2009)

I Remember
by Tom Ray (Apr 2009)

With Honor
by D. J. Russell (May 2007)

What is Birdwatching?
by Larry D. Foreman (Jan 2004)

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This is the website of the Red Dirt Writers Society.
Revised August 2012.

Website designed and maintained by Shoppe Foreman.